Skin DNA Energy Mask Massage Cream
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US $63.00 - $329.00

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Skin DNA Energy Mask Massage Cream set
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Anti-wrinkle Energy
Mask Massage Cream
SkinDNA Anti-Wrinkle Energy Mask Massage Cream
Efficacy imitates ecological directional import to provide nutrition for high saturation of the skin,
especially adding plant essential oils to rejuvenate the youthful potential of the fragrance , directly targeting
young sources and pouring multiple new energy
Technology empowerment, restart the new muscle in the future
Inspired by epigenetic technology, the source expression regulation controls the biomechanical characteristics of the skin through exogenous factors, blocks the transmission of aging biological signals at the source, regulates gene expression, and achieves youthful skin from the inside out.
Based on the research of autophagy mechanism, autophagy degrades damaged, aged or inactivated cells, realizes cell reorganization, repair and regeneration, and improves skin dullness, relaxation, aging and other phenomena.
4X 5 Racing Young Pyramid
Regulate, activate, store and clear muscles
Four-stage synergistic interconnection, regulation of source expression
Full-scale lifting and firming, continuous youthful future
1. Refers to bergamot fruit oil, cedar wood oil
2. Refers to the biological signals inherent in the skin
3. Refers to the process regulation of the expression of key physiological functions of the skin
4. Refers to the physiological mechanism of the cell's own recycling
5. Zhimanzhiyan SkinDNA skin cleansing, energy storage, revitalization, and regulation of the fourth-level youth care program
Anti-glycation Energy
Mask Massage Cream
SkinDNA Anti-Sugar Energy Mask Massage Cream
Efficacy imitates ecological directional import to provide nutrition for high saturation of the skin,
especially adding plant essential oils to rejuvenate the youthful potential of the fragrance , directly targeting the
young source and pouring multiple new energy
Technology empowerment, restart the new muscle in the future
Inspired by epigenetic technology, the source expression regulation controls the biomechanical characteristics of the skin through exogenous factors, blocks the transmission of aging biological signals at the source, regulates gene expression, and achieves youthful skin from the inside out.
Based on the research of autophagy mechanism, autophagy degrades damaged, aged or inactivated cells, realizes cell reorganization, repair and regeneration, and improves skin dullness, relaxation, aging and other phenomena.
4X 5 Racing Young Pyramid
Regulate, activate, store and clear muscles
Four-stage synergistic interconnection, regulation of source expression
Full-scale lifting and firming, continuous youthful future
1. Refers to bergamot fruit oil, cedar wood oil
2. Refers to the biological signals inherent in the skin
3. Refers to the process regulation of the expression of key physiological functions of the skin
4. Refers to the physiological mechanism of the cell's own recycling
5. Zhimanzhiyan SkinDNA skin cleansing, energy storage, revitalization, and regulation of the fourth-level youth care program
Anti-oxidation Energy
Mask Massage Cream
SkinDNA* Antioxidant Energy Mask Massage Cream
Efficacy imitates ecological directional import to provide nutrition for high saturation of the skin,
especially adding plant essential oils to rejuvenate the youthful potential of the fragrance , directly targeting the
young source and pouring multiple new energy
Technology empowerment, restart the new muscle in the future
Inspired by epigenetic technology, the source expression regulation controls the biomechanical characteristics of the skin through exogenous factors, blocks the transmission of aging biological signals at the source, regulates gene expression, and achieves youthful skin from the inside out.
Based on the research of autophagy mechanism, autophagy degrades damaged, aged or inactivated cells, realizes cell reorganization, repair and regeneration, and improves skin dullness, relaxation, aging and other phenomena.
4X 5 Racing Young Pyramid
Regulate, activate, store and clear muscles
Four-stage synergistic interconnection, regulation of source expression
Full-scale lifting and firming, continuous youthful future
1. Refers to bergamot fruit oil, cedar wood oil
2. Refers to the biological signals inherent in the skin
3. Refers to the process regulation of the expression of key physiological functions of the skin
4. Refers to the physiological mechanism of the cell's own recycling
5. Zhimanzhiyan SkinDNA skin cleansing, energy storage, revitalization, and regulation of the fourth-level youth care program
Anti-oxidation Energy
Mask Massage Cream
Translucent Energy Mask Massage Cream
Efficacy imitates ecological directional import to provide nutrition for high saturation of the skin,
especially adding plant essential oils to rejuvenate the youthful potential of the fragrance , directly targeting
young sources and pouring multiple new energy
Technology empowerment, restart the new muscle in the future
Inspired by epigenetic technology, the source expression regulation controls the biomechanical characteristics of the skin through exogenous factors, blocks the transmission of aging biological signals at the source, regulates gene expression, and achieves youthful skin from the inside out.
Based on the research of autophagy mechanism, autophagy degrades damaged, aged or inactivated cells, realizes cell reorganization, repair and regeneration, and improves skin dullness, relaxation, aging and other phenomena.
4X 5 Racing Young Pyramid
Regulate, activate, store and clear muscles
Four-stage synergistic interconnection, regulation of source expression
Full-scale lifting and firming, continuous youthful future
1. Refers to bergamot fruit oil, cedar wood oil
2. Refers to the biological signals inherent in the skin
3. Refers to the process regulation of the expression of key physiological functions of the skin
4. Refers to the physiological mechanism of the cell's own recycling
5. Zhimanzhiyan SkinDNA skin cleansing, energy storage, revitalization, and regulation of the fourth-level youth care program
SkinDNA Energy Mask Massage Cream
SkinDNA* Energy Mask Massage Cream
Efficacy imitates ecological directional import to provide nutrition for high saturation of the skin,
especially adding plant essential oils to rejuvenate the youthful potential of the fragrance , directly targeting the
young source and pouring multiple new energy
Technology empowerment, restart the new muscle in the future
Inspired by epigenetic technology, the source expression regulation controls the biomechanical characteristics of the skin through exogenous factors, blocks the transmission of aging biological signals at the source, regulates gene expression, and achieves youthful skin from the inside out.
Based on the research of autophagy mechanism, autophagy degrades damaged, aged or inactivated cells, realizes cell reorganization, repair and regeneration, and improves skin dullness, relaxation, aging and other phenomena.
4X 5 Racing Young Pyramid
Regulate, activate, store and clear muscles
Four-stage synergistic interconnection, regulation of source expression
Full-scale lifting and firming, continuous youthful future
1. Refers to bergamot fruit oil, cedar wood oil
2. Refers to the biological signals inherent in the skin
3. Refers to the process regulation of the expression of key physiological functions of the skin
4. Refers to the physiological mechanism of the cell's own recycling
5. Zhimanzhiyan SkinDNA skin cleansing, energy storage, revitalization, and regulation of the fourth-level youth care program

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